Today the museum is closed.
Princess Marioara Apartment
French apartment
Biedermeier salon
King Ferdinand Apartment
Oriental salon – smoking room
Professor Arnold Mohrlen's room
Governess L. Milne's room
Victoria Melita Room
Children's apartment
Children's playroom
The tea room
The breakfast room
The painting salon
Queen Mary's Apartment
King Ferdinand's Bedroom
The anteroom of Queen Mary's apartment
Apartment principles
The Golden Room
Queen Mary's Boudoir
Queen Mary's Golden Bedroom
Honorary ladder
The royal dining room
King Ferdinand's Office
The Hall of Honor of Pelișor Castle
Introduction to Pelișor Castle
History of Peles Castle / The history of Peles Castle / Peleş Kalesi
The Marble Gallery / The Marble Gallery / Mermer galeri
The Guest Library / Misafir Kütüphanesi
Apartment principi / The Rococo suite / KONUK DAİRESİ
The Empire Salon / The Drawing Room / AMPİR SALONU
The apartment decorated with pepper wood / The room for guests / KARABİBER KAPLAMALI KAVAK AĞACINDAN MOBİLYALAR İLE DEKORE EDİLMİŞ DAİRE
The German Drawing Room / ALMAN SALONU
Bidermeier Salon / BIEDERMAIER SALON
Elena Vacarescu Apartment / The Elena Vacarescu Suite / ELENA VACARESCU'S APARTMENT
Dimitrie Dinicu Apartment / The Dimitrie Dinicu Room / DİMİTRİE DİNİCU'NUN ODASI
The Room of the Patriarch Miron Cristea / The Room of the Patriarch Miron Cristea / PATRİK MİRON CRISTEA'NIN ODASI
The Ana Burin Room / ANA BURİN'İN ODASI
The Suite of King Michael I / KRAL I. MIHAİ'IN ODASI
Maria Poenaru Apartment / The Maria Poenaru Suite / MARIA POENARU'S APARTMENT
Olga Mavrogheni Apartment / The Olga Mavrogheni Suite / OLGA MAVROGHENI'S APARTMENT
George Enescu Apartment / The George Enescu Suite / GEORGE ENESCU'NUN ODASI
Zoe Bengescu Apartment / The Zoe Bengescu Suite / ZOE BENGESCU'S APARTMENT
Vasile Alecsandri Apartment / The Vasile Alecsandri Suite / VASILE ALECSANDRI'S ROOM
The Yellow Room
The Small Music Room / Küçük Müzik Salonu
Breakfast room / The Breakfast Room / Kahvaltı salonu
The Rococo Drawing Room / The Roccoco Drawing Room / ROKOKO SALONU
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